City Government

The City of West Point is governed by a Mayor and Board of Selectmen. Each member of the Board of Selectmen represents citizens of a city district or “ward”. The Board acts as the executive branch of City government with the Mayor acting as the Chief Executive Officer. A Chief Administrative Officer is appointed by the Board and is responsible for the day-to-day administration of the city’s business.

The Board is responsible for the financial administration of the City, including approving the annual budget prepared by the CAO and setting the mill rate for the purpose of collecting taxes. The Board also serves as the City’s legislative body creating and adopting local ordinances and working with the city attorney and department heads to oversee tax collection, law enforcement, fire protection & ambulance services, utilities, public works, economic development, and personnel approval.

West Point’s Board of Selectmen meets on the second Tuesday of each month. Typical board meetings consist of monthly reports from the Chief Administrative Officer, Police Chief, Fire Chief, Manager of Utilities and the Public Works Director. Selectmen from each ward also present their concerns from each of the districts they represent. City business is discussed and acted upon and the board also considers other matters on the month’s agenda. Anyone can address the City Board by contacting City Hall and reserving time on the Board agenda for the next board meeting as early as possible before the meeting date.

If you wish to learn more about West Point’s city government please feel free to tour the government section of this website. We have provided some of the latest city plans, ordinances, and board minutes as well as a city directory and many other interesting pages. West Point’s elected and appointed officials strive to serve the citizens of our city in an open, honest, and forthright manner always keeping in mind the best interest of the community.